The Life Of Kenyan Orphans In The Society

By Grace Daniels

Kenyan orphans are the children who have no parents and depend on others or themselves for survival. Their parents could have either left them or died when they are at a tender age hence leaving them homeless. They face great challenges in the society because they are not readily accepted by the rest of their age mates.

They are found in all societies because a tragedy can happen to anyone. The parents leave their children when they are young some even not aware of what has happened to them. With the country being underdeveloped, this problems rise time to time and the remedy is never found because it is an unending disaster.

Kenya is among the undeveloped countries or third world countries that have weak economic system hence not able to provide well for the orphans. They greatly rely on help from other countries especially he international ones. Without assistance, the children could remain unattended or completely neglected by the society. Most firms in this region are owned by foreigners who decide to play that important part in the country.

The people from poor families are the most victim of this fate. They do not have stable income to support their children when they leave them. Most are left to hustle their own means of earning day to day bread and end up being criminals or the street children. Those lucky get adopted by able families who want more children or those not able to get one.

Religious institutions have also helped the people in taking care of the young ones by setting up institutions called children home that caters for the high population in the country. They provide all the necessities through the contributions given to them by the members and even some give food and clothes to these little children for free. The workers in those institutions are self willing and most even do it for free or self voluntary to help the society.

Some parents also abandon their kids at a very tender age in such of earthly pleasures and when they come back to their homes, the children are no longer with them. This hence increases the number of them on the streets and in the institutions which could be avoided if the right measures are taken. The parents need to ensure that they get the number of kids that they are able to raise and have them at the right time and age.

The guidance and counseling given to them is to ensure that they grow up knowing who they are and understanding the society better. Te professionals who handle them have great experience in this set up and deliver to satisfaction. The children therefore grow up knowing their situation and circumstances that befell them.

Kenyan orphans like the rest of them in Africa can tell of their ups and downs during their lifetime. They do not enjoy all social amenities like the rest of children who are on the same age. The little they get is better than the life they had on the streets hence are grateful.

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